Abdulmalek Bahabri

Communication Between Rider And Horse

Horse riding may be both elating and exasperating sometimes during the ride. If the rider fails to understand and appreciate the basics of horse temper or riding procedure then the riding experience may be less enjoyable. The reverse is just as true, if you have a genuine concern and revere for the horse, its capabilities united with an acquired or natural aptitude for communiqué, and riding procedure then you will definitely experience a great and exhilarating horse ride.

With the purpose to develop effectual communication between rider and the horse, the first and most significant aspect is the “trust.” A credulous relationship developed between you and your horse help you to understand of your horse’s mind-set, conduct, and behavior. This relationship helps to know whether your horse is timid and needs support, is forward and bold and thus requires an expert rider, or is they obedient and thus able to go after your leads and direction.

One of the main areas to practice whilst on the ground is the matter of ‘value for space’. This refers to both your respect for horse’s space and the horse’s respect for your space. Bodily touch is a good manner to establish a pleasing bond between you and the horse, For instance, moving your hand on the horse’s back, shoulder, and head– then applying a little pressure to instruct your horse to move away from your space. Along with the groundwork, understanding the mechanics and the horse physiology benefits the riders greatly.

Dressage is another technique of training the horse; here the riders employ a variety of aids such as the hands, legs, seats, whips, and spurs to communicate with the horse and to know about the horse’s comfort or discomfort.

These training techniques include applying force from your legs which insists the horse to move, while putting your legs in a unlike place urges the horse to be in its position. Riders may also use their seats to push the horse or slow the horse in one or the other direction.

Being a rider if you understand the horse’s behavior beforehand it helps you to anticipate the horse’s conduct and reactions.

For example, if a horse generally appears prepared and all set to work, but on next day shows reluctance and anger, then this signifies that something is definitely wrong–either with you the rider or with the horse. Predicting the horse’s response can help you make out which aids to use, and how to be a step ahead of your horse.

Riders must know the fact that horses responds in a different way for two reasons; one is to obtain comfort and the other is to avoid pain. The main point of focus in any kind of the horse training is making the situation and position comfortable for the horse, and to make sure that any of our reaction must not be uncomfortable for the horse. Riders must remember that rather than blaming the horse, they have to realize that a disobedient horse is generally the result some kind of misconduct of the rider who is not correctly communicating.

Communication Between Rider And Horse